Bear Your Fruit


College Prayer 2023

We wish to bear your fruit.

As seedlings we began,

Immersed and enriched in the soil of your love.

From our roots we grow,

Ever-stretching and guided by faith.


You allow us to sprout,

And the light of the world instills joy in us.

Even in the depths of drought,

You teach us patience and trust in Your timing.


As we grow in kindness,

The goodness you granted us remains.

Now that we have buds of opportunity,

Imude us with self-control to foster your children with charity.


Lord, when we drift in the wind of worry,

Gently, guide us back to Your peace.

Fill us with the gifts of generosity and modesty of Your Son,

So that we may reap the fruits of the Holy Spirit.


In Jesus' name we pray,

In the name of the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit,



A gift from the Student Leadership Group 2022